GREYHAIR MULTIMEDIA STUDIOS is our digital publications hub, offers members
the latest age-related news, ideas and thought leadership through our blog. Anyone interested
in aging can sign up. The studio connects members with innovators, authors and leaders who
impact aging through multimedia channels. Members can hear from changemakers in aging
on our innovation-focused webcast Future Proof. Listen to the Bylines podcast to hear from
authors of stories, books, and articles covering aging. Leverage, our podcast on the politics of
aging, relays current events, debates policies, and champions advocacy efforts.
We welcome contributions to the GREYHAIRmultimedia studios. Please keep in mind for
both publications that GREYHAIR is a membership organization of professionals in the
aging services sector. We are not a consumer publication, so articles should not directly
address consumers. Prior to pitching article ideas, please read other articles on the site to gain
a clear sense of the types of stories we tend to publish. We also prefer stories to fall under one
of our five thematic pillars: Ageism & Culture; Economic Security; Equity & Justice; Health
& Well-Being; and Innovation & Social Impact